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Study throws light on how gravitational instabilities affect galaxies

Study throws light on how gravitational instabilities affect galaxies

A study conducted by the Indian Institute of Astro- physics (IIA) could help un-derstand how gravitational instabilities are connected to galaxy evolution.

  • Posted on 21/09/2023
NASA’s first asteroid samples land on Earth after release from spacecraft

NASA’s first asteroid samples land on Earth after release from spacecraft

NASA's FIRST asteroid samples fetched from deep space para chuted into the Utah desert Sunday to cap a seven-year joumey. In a flyby of Earth, the Osiris- Rex spacecraft released the sample capsule from 100,000 kilo-meters out.

  • Posted on 26/09/2023
Building BRICS for the future

Building BRICS for the future

In 2023, at the 15th BRICS meeting, which was held in Johannesburg, BRICS grew and became BRICS-Plus. Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Iran, UAE, and UAE are the six new countries that have been added to the group

  • Posted on 03/10/2023